<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/8d698a65-d1de-42f5-a36b-08bd13595676/1547d158-c772-80f0-9a66-007a7b5b757e" alt="notion://custom_emoji/8d698a65-d1de-42f5-a36b-08bd13595676/1547d158-c772-80f0-9a66-007a7b5b757e" width="40px" /> Currys use Gocertify’s verification technology for students and OfferHub to house all of their offers in one place, on an SEO friendly page to recapture discount searching shoppers.


The challenge Currys faced

Currys wanted to take full control of their offers experience. They had an official offers page powered by another provider but performance was being undermined by:

Gocertify’s Solution

The Currys team chose Gocertify’s OfferHub tech to take performance to the next level.